Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Apparently I don't like to relax, because working into my workout or daily routine a meditation is like trying to get a smoker to quit smoking.

My goals this week are 2 fold.

I need to get back to not overeating - 1
and 2 - I need to try and have an 8 hour work week for Yeatz. 2 hours each day on the computer researching business models and plans trying to forge my own.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Revision 3

----- I will work out or stretch 2 out of every 3 days.

----- I will actively relax/meditate every day. - This I have not been doing. I don't know why this is so hard. It really doesn't take that long, and I always feel better when I do it.


----- I will blog here at 2/3 Times a week.

-----I will work out a very in detail budget in the next two weeks. aka by the time I go camping.

I Think there is a new application on mint for goal setting. :)

----- I will Meet with 2 Interenet developers before I leave LA - I haven't called the one number I have. I need to get on it. Just call the one on monday for crying out loud. About to put it in my Calender as a reminder.

Didn't do it when it popped up. Going to do it tomorrow.

5. I will have my website mostly built with 2 months to go in Tour.

6. I will Work for the final two months of tour on getting more Theatre work.

OK This is my Third revision. Tomorrow. I am going to call internet peeps and meditate.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


----- I will work out or stretch 2 out of every 3 days.

----- I will actively relax/meditate every day. - This I have not been doing. I don't know why this is so hard. It really doesn't take that long, and I always feel better when I do it.

----- I will blog here at 2/3 Times a week.

-----I will work out a very in detail budget in the next two weeks. aka by the time I go camping.

----- I will Meet with 2 Interenet developers before I leave LA - I haven't called the one number I have. I need to get on it. Just call the one on monday for crying out loud. About to put it in my Calender as a reminder.

5. I will have my website mostly built with 2 months to go in Tour.

6. I will Work for the final two months of tour on getting more Theatre work.

OK that's my revision and my focus for next week. I just to meditate and focus on budget and web site.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My first post too!!!

all-right. Since I am thinking about acceptance, I need to accept things in my life. I think this means I need to accept the commitment to getting healthy and actually waking up early to exercise. I need to make a commitment to taking yoga twice a week at first. Since I already paid, I should have no excuse.

My second plan of action to being healthy is eating and packing my lunch. I have been so busy at work that I haven't been eating lunch. I will buy fruit and a muffin in the morning and eat it throughout the day- so instead I want to try to wake up early enough to make myself food.

This is a great way to help each other, because sometimes I feel making a promise to you hold more weight then promising myself. Two promises, breakfast, maybe a pb&j packed to go if I can.

That's all I can do for now. Im trying for yoga in the morning. Thanks for setting this up for us- a good experiment.

Monday, June 28, 2010

First Post

So here we go. My Goals. I want to weigh 210 lbs by the time I leave Los Angeles. How lame that I start with a weight goal. :). I also want to feel in Shape and see something That resembles stomach muscles as well. :) I want this blog to be a place where Goals are stated and constantly revisited and revised, so her are my Goals the next three weeks with an understanding that I can change them in 30 minutes or chase them wholeheartedly for for the next three weeks. I think it will be good if we start with some day to day goals and then go to longer term goals. I guess that's what makes sense for me. Who knows what will work best for you.

1. I will work out or stretch 2 out of every 3 days.
2. I will actively relax/meditate every day.
3. I will blog here every day
4. I will Meet with 2 Interenet developers before I leave LA
5. I will have my website mostly built with 2 months to go in Tour.
6. I will Work for the final two months of tour on getting more Theatre work.

I'm going to repost these or an amended version of these goals at the beginning of every post I make, to refocus each post. Just the way I'm going to do it. :)